The Understanding of National Economy and Monopolies in the Early Republican Period: The Case of Port Monopolies




Early Republican Period, Union and Progress, National Economic, Monopoly Practices, Port Privatizations


This study aims to make an evaluation of the development of the policies regarding the port port exclusions in the period between 1923 and 1929 of the early republic and their relationship with the national economy approach. In this study, in order to reveal the development of the idea of national economy from the Ottoman Empire to the republic, within the scope of the historical background of the related understanding, the issue of foreign debt, which came to the agenda as a necessity in the second half of the 19th century in the empire, and the reasons that enabled the non-Muslim population to become significantly dominant in commercial activities during the Second Constitutional Monarchy period, and the reasons that enabled the non-Muslim population to become dominant in commercial activities during the Second Constitutional Monarchy period. After discussing the policies established in accordance with the national economic understanding with the World War I and the adoption of the national economic understanding as an economic mentality by the policy makers of the new regime, the administrative and legal regulations concerning ports and port exclusions in the period of the early republic that is the subject of the study are examined. The findings of the study, in which document analysis, one of the qualitative research methods, was used as a method, were obtained by analyzing primary and secondary sources.


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How to Cite

AYDEMİR, B., & TOL, Ümit N. (2024). The Understanding of National Economy and Monopolies in the Early Republican Period: The Case of Port Monopolies . Journal of Economic Research Foundation, 1(1), 58–67.


